
Webhooks are API push notifications sent in the form of HTTP or HHTPS POST requests. They pro-actively deliver messages to other applications when some event occurs inside their own application.

They can inform or trigger further events in the destination application. For instance, you can directly deploy an application upon the image push. This allows you to automate your deployments.

In Container Registry, you can add either an HTTP or Slack-based HTTPS URL that will be used for receiving the messages by the target application.

You have a choice between the following events that can initiate a push message:

  • Artifact deleted
  • Artifact pulled
  • Artifact pushed
  • Chart deleted
  • Chart downloaded
  • Chart uploaded
  • Quota exceed
  • Quota near threshold
  • Replication finished
  • Scanning failed

All incoming messages (payloads) will be in JSON format. Below is an example from the push artifact event message:

    "type": "PUSH_ARTIFACT",
	"occur_at": 1586922308,
	"operator": "username",
        "resources": [
                "digest": "sha256:1b26826f602946860c279fce658f31050cff2c596583af237d971f4629b57792",
                "tag": "5.0",
                "resource_url": "epic-exoscale.container-registry.com/documentation/test_slack:5.0"
        "repository": {
            "date_created": 1628167510,
            "name": "test_slack",
            "namespace": "documentation",
            "repo_full_name": "documentation/test_slack",
            "repo_type": "private"


  1. Webhooks must be enabled on the instance level by your system administrator (super admin). The instructions are available here.

  2. You must be a project administrator to add webhooks to the project.

Get Your Webhook URL

You need an endpoint URL that is able to receive HTTP/HTTPS POST requests.


Configure a webhook listener on a server that will receive messages and perform further actions if their content requires so.


You can configure Slack, a popular team messenger, to receive notifications from your project. For this, you need:

  • a Slack account;
  • a Slack workspace;
  • a target channel inside this workspace;
  • an app with enabled incoming webhooks.

For the last step, there are two methods to implement it:

  1. Add the existing legacy Incoming Webhooks app from the Slack marketplace:

  • You’ll be redirected to the Setup Instructions page where you can copy your webhook URL:

After you add your webhook in the Container Registry GUI, you will start receiving Slack notifications that look like this:

  1. Create your own Slack app and enable webhooks for it.

  • Select your workspace;

  • Inside the YAML or JSON file, change the name of your app;

  • Hit Next and then Create;
  • You’ll land in the basic information view of your new Slack app;
  • Click Incoming Webhooks;

  • Activate incoming webhooks for this app with the slider and then click Add New WebHook to Workspace;

  • Select the target channel to post notifications and click Allow;

  • Your Slack webhook URL was now generated and can be copied:

Your new app will be visible among your Slack apps:

After you add your webhook in the Container Registry GUI, you will start receiving Slack notifications that look like this:

Webhook Triggers

The table contains the details about available webhook triggers and what they do.

EventWebhook Event TypeContents of Notification
Push artifact to registryPUSH_ARTIFACTRepository namespace name, repository name, resource URL, tags, manifest digest, artifact name, push time timestamp, username of user who pushed artifact
Pull artifact from registryPULL_ARTIFACTRepository namespace name, repository name, manifest digest, artifact name, pull time timestamp, username of user who pulled artifact
Delete artifact from registryDELETE_ARTIFACTRepository namespace name, repository name, manifest digest, artifact name, artifact size, delete time timestamp, username of user who deleted image
Upload Helm chart to chartMuseumUPLOAD_CHARTRepository name, chart name, chart type, chart version, chart size, tag, timestamp of push, username of user who uploaded chart
Download Helm chart from chartMuseumDOWNLOAD_CHARTRepository name, chart name, chart type, chart version, chart size, tag, timestamp of push, username of user who pulled chart
Delete Helm chart from chartMuseumDELETE_CHARTRepository name, chart name, chart type, chart version, chart size, tag, timestamp of delete, username of user who deleted chart
Image scan completedSCANNING_COMPLETEDRepository namespace name, repository name, tag scanned, image name, number of critical issues, number of major issues, number of minor issues, last scan status, scan completion time timestamp, vulnerability information (CVE ID, description, link to CVE, criticality, URL for any fix), username of user who performed scan
Image scan failedSCANNING_FAILEDRepository namespace name, repository name, tag scanned, image name, error that occurred, username of user who performed scan
Project quota exceededQUOTA_EXCEEDRepository namespace name, repository name, tags, manifest digest, artifact name, push time timestamp, username of user who pushed artifact
Project quota near thresholdQUOTA_WARNINGRepository namespace name, repository name, tags, manifest digest, artifact name, push time timestamp, username of user who pushed artifact
Artifact replication finishedREPLICATIONRepository namespace name, repository name, tags, manifest digest, artifact name, push time timestamp, username of user who triggered the replication

You can use any combination of them or all triggers.

Creating a New Webhook in the Container Registry GUI

  • Go to the Webhooks tab in your project;
  • Click + NEW WEBHOOK:

  • Select slack if you copied your endpoint/webhook URL from a Slack application, or select http if you use another application to receive push notifications;

  • Paste the endpoint URL;

    • For HTTP endpoint URLs, you can provide the Authorization Header that specifies your authorization type and contains your credentials, if required, for instance:
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
  • Select an option to verify remote certificates;

    • For HTTP endpoint, disable the feature;
    • For HTTPS, enable it.

Webhooks Overview and Details

If you click on the arrow next to a webhook, you can open a detailed overview of the triggers and when they ran for the last time. You may need to flick through the triggers using the arrows in the bottom right corner.

Enabling/Disabling, Editing, and Deleting Webhooks

You can delete webhooks manually or in bulks if you tick the checkboxes and click Delete under the Action menu.

You can disable/re-enable and edit webhooks one by one if you tick the checkboxes and click Disable/Enable or Edit under the Action menu.