
A no frills Harbor based Container Management Solution for teams and organizations

8gears Container Registry is a Harbor-based container registry as a service offered and operated by the project’s maintainer and contributors

Our Background

8gears Container Registry started out in 2016 as a Portus-Powered Container Registry Service for enterprises, with the primary focus on professional services. In September 2020, we switched the software stack to Harbor as our new foundation to better support growing demand in SaaS and cloud-centric deployment.

Our Story

Many solutions arise from their own and immediate needs. We were building a new microservice-based software stack, faced for the second time in a row the difficulty of finding a decent Docker Registry suitable for teams. Docker Hub was the most used option, but lacked features we have been looking for. At the same time, we stumbled upon Portus, a new open-source Container Registry designed specifically for teams and organizations. This discovery sparked our interest in migrating application to SaaS solutions.

The Future

Although container registries have now largely shifted to being a commodity, the increasing adoption of containerization has led to a growing need for solutions beyond the basic capabilities. Those growing requirements are not within the scope of hyperscalers and cloud providers.

  • 8gears Container Registry as the central hub for all containerized workloads, across cloud providers and registries.
  • 8gears Container Registry for multiple teams and departments
  • Businesses who run container workloads outside and across different Cloud Providers
  • Businesses who run container in the IOT and EDGE space.
  • Independent Software Vendors who are distributing their software through Container Images instead of binaries or ZIP files.